Running for Jamaica hospitals

Shane Edwards sponsored run
Shane at the finish of his run

Shane Edwards is one of our hero volunteers in UK, helping us collect the vital funds to pay for equipment for Jamaica’s hospitals. In September 2017 he ran a half-marathon (13 miles) on our behalf. He raised £700 then and plans to run a second half-marathon in Ukraine on 22nd April.

"Thank you for your interest. I’m Shane Edwards and my main objective is to voluntarily raise funds for the charity Rejuvenate Jamaica Hospitals (RJH), which is a UK based charity, registration no. 1165479.

I volunteered with this charity because I always wanted to give back to my community and Jamaica. As a teenager, I worked in Kingston Public Hospital as an apprentice and subsequently fulltime, for one year. So, I understand the plight for better health facilities from the perspective of the operators and patients on the ground. Therefore, when I saw the RJH volunteers at Wembley Arena I carpe diem with both hands.

RJH has already touched many lives by purchasing needed equipment, such as, beds and scanners for various hospitals in Jamaica, more recently, Princess Margret Hospital in St. Thomas, where I was born. I’ve been amazed by the work already done by this small charity based from London and the impact its made on my former community.

With God’s help and kind donations from family, friends, colleagues and well wishers I completed the Lethbridge Half Marathon on Sat 30 Sep 17, in Alberta, Canada and raised nearly £700 for RJH. This was no easy feat, as I was in serious pain from the 5 mile point onwards and required physio thearapy, thereafter, to strengthen my left knee."

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Rejuvenate Jamaica Hospitals

UK charity registration no. 1165479


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